Vordingborg - Elbląg cooperation


The INCONE60 project cooperates with Polish Embassy in Copenhagen, Vordingborg Port and Elbląg Port to establish official economic cooperation. It is the first step of the INCOnet Business Network, which will impact the ports and regions positively.

Both ports have significant potential. Vordingbvorg has already developed rapidly and now has a lot to offer, and it is a reliable business partner.

Port Elbląg will be opened to the Baltic Sea Shortly. The construction of the channel through the Vistula Spit will create the opportunity to cooperate with other Baltic ports. Port Elbląg has a considerable unsued transhipment potential. It will be an important player on the market in the near future.

The cooperation between Danish and Polish ports will bring benefits for both sides. We are working on preparing the business offers of both ports, which will be used to prepare the agreement between them.

The Polish Embassy in Copenhagen strongly supports this activity. It has significant input in the development of this idea. Cooperation with Polish Embassy will undoubtedly result in achieving tangible results.

Incone 60