Digital and green transition of small ports


The INCONE60 project ended, but the partnership keeps working further. We will continue our efforts to strengthen the small ports in the South Baltic Area and improve their visibility and investment attractiveness. Based on the incone60 results, we are working on the next project - INCONE60 Green, which will significantly improve the digitalization of small ports and provide them port management system along with other useful IT tools.

Significant differences within the South Baltic area regarding local seaports' development and approach to digitization exist. While there is a high level of know-how and competence in some ports, in others, there are difficulties in fully developing their functions. The INCONE60 Green project will improve access to existing know-how and competencies throughout the South Baltic Region, cross-border exchange of know-how and technology transfer.

One of the project's main objectives is to meet the needs of small seaports in the South Baltic area regarding digitalization and informatization of processes and sustain their growth. As a result, a universal tool for digitizing individual processes in the maritime sector and logistics will be created. The small port management system will be addressed to all small ports in the South Baltic area and beyond its borders. This system will be tested in real life and calibrated, among others, based on the pilot trip organized between small ports using a sea-river vessel. It will be a similar event to organized within the INCONE60 project -

In addition, we will develop intelligent software for external cost estimation. This software will be based on the Cargo Flow Model ( developed within the INCONE60 project ( We will maintain the existing functionality. However, we will extend its functionality significantly.

Besides, we will create a web portal with digitalized maritime economy data. It will be used for the purpose of publication of yearly statistics and bulletins.

All actions will be connected. The final result assumes the implementation of a turnkey system for small ports. It will be done along with extensive promotional and lobby activities.


The INCONE60 Green will be based on the results of the INCONE60 project. To find out more about INCONE60 activities go to work packages or outputs below